DESIGN INSPIRATION! Why I am inspired by Paris…
France is a destination you would love to visit.
Paris, France, often called the City of Light, or for a better description, The City of Enlightenment (ville lumière), attributed to the famous great minds (Philophers, writers, intellectuals and inventors) who frequented cafes and establishments in Paris, such as the legendary Le Procope Cafe’.
Paris is also well-known for its architectural design, works of art, enduring beauty, historic landmarks, culinary creations, and of course is considered the most fashion savvy place in the world! It is the land of Haute Couture, without a doubt.
Fashion designers get their inspirations from a variety of different areas such as paintings, nature, books, as well as from other individuals, some may call muses.
Parisian fashion designers have also been influenced by the ancient Egyptians. When the remains of Tutankhamen’s tomb was photographed and shared with the world, Parisian designers began incorporating Egyptian motifs and patterns into their designs. The influence of this event quickly trickled down into clothing for the masses. Some Parisian fashion designs consist of beautiful chiffon tops, masterfully layered skirts, and fabric creations consisting of geometric shapes and exquisite 3D lace.
Paris invokes imagery of astounding fashion, and its fashion occupies a significant position in the world. Among the many styles inspired by Paris fashion, is that of transiting from the skinny leg pant to wearing a slightly flared pant, paired with low-heels or ballet flats. It’s influence also reaches directly into the designated structure of business wear.
These designs are generally marked by a stylish, sophisticated, and a well structured yet comfortable look. This transfers well to a more professional appearance, as worn in the business environment. Paris inspired fashion has had a beautifully artistic impact on business wear for women. Perhaps because the most famous jacket was inspired by menswear, when in 1954 Coco Gabrielle Chanel created the Chanel Jacket. Coco Chanel’s mens wear inspiration, mixed with artistic genius may be why a beautiful, well structured suit design helps to communicate a level of power, sophistication and confidence from the women putting on that fabulous ensemble. The methods, quality and intricacies involved in constructing a fabulous garment is just as astounding as the final product.
Paris inspired business wear for women is marked by brilliance and innovative fashion design techniques, and has been the source of inspiration for many designers all over the world. Due to its unique status in the world of fashion, Paris, France to date, is still the fashion center of the world. And this is why I am inspired by Paris!